loop(state, cmd): [any, Cmd]

  • state: any – the new store state, like you would normally return from a reducer.
  • cmd: Cmd – a cmd to run once the current action has been dispatched, can be a result of any of the functions available under Cmd.
  • returns an Array pair of the state and the cmd, to allow for easy destructuring as well as a predictable structure for other functionality.


loop enables you to run cmds as the result of a particular action being dispatched. It links synchronous state transitions with expected async state transitions. When you return a loop result from your reducer, the store knows how to separate cmds from state so cmds are not stored in the state tree with data.


import { loop, Cmd } from 'redux-loop';

function reducer(state, action) {
  switch(action.type) {
    case 'FIRST':
      // This result is a loop. The new state will have its `first` property
      // set to true. As a result of receiving this result from the reducer,
      // the store will not only replace this part of the state with the new
      // state setting `first` to true, it will schedule the SECOND action to
      // run next.
      return loop(
        { ...state, first: true },
        Cmd.action({ type: 'SECOND' })

    case 'SECOND':
      // This result is not a loop, just a plain synchronous state transition.
      // Returning loops from a reducer is optional by branch. The store knows
      // how to examine results and compose cmds into a separate effect tree
      // from the state tree.
      return { ...state, second: true };

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